News3 mins ago
Ty for your comment on my "sermon" - later maybe "sermons" after my Part 2, lol. Understood and service ended - please don't forget to drop money in the begging tray! .
You make an excellent chairperson in this debate in trying to keep us rabble in order and stick to the point - great challenge on AB - well tied Sir. Well done!
You make an excellent chairperson in this debate in trying to keep us rabble in order and stick to the point - great challenge on AB - well tied Sir. Well done!
18:39 Tue 04th Sep 2012
//[Mrs Thatcher] sold off the family Silver. And we are all or most of us still paying for it imo//
Well, "figuratively" speaking, she may have done.
The person who "literally" sold off the family silver was Gordon Brown, selling our national gold reserves, to try to disguise the massive and irrecoverable financial black hole in Labour's budget.
Labour almost literally bankrupted the nation, and left us with no reserves to fall back on ... the first time we had been stripped of our reserves since ... err, since EVER, actually.
Although I'm guessing that Labour blowing all our national income, AND all our national reserves, and leaving the UK without a pot to pi55 in was ... Mrs Thatcher's fault??? LOL
Well, "figuratively" speaking, she may have done.
The person who "literally" sold off the family silver was Gordon Brown, selling our national gold reserves, to try to disguise the massive and irrecoverable financial black hole in Labour's budget.
Labour almost literally bankrupted the nation, and left us with no reserves to fall back on ... the first time we had been stripped of our reserves since ... err, since EVER, actually.
Although I'm guessing that Labour blowing all our national income, AND all our national reserves, and leaving the UK without a pot to pi55 in was ... Mrs Thatcher's fault??? LOL
So you heard ... from ... Mrs Thatcher's fiercest critic, Arthur Scargill?
I see that as of this Easter, he was still living in a penthouse flat in the Barbican, at the expense of the hard up miners.
I wish I could have a luxury socialist lifestyle. Well, he wouldn't want to live in Yorkshire with all those rough miners, would he. Not a toff like Arthur.
Still, at least he's not a hypocrite.
Hang on, have I got that right.
I see that as of this Easter, he was still living in a penthouse flat in the Barbican, at the expense of the hard up miners.
I wish I could have a luxury socialist lifestyle. Well, he wouldn't want to live in Yorkshire with all those rough miners, would he. Not a toff like Arthur.
Still, at least he's not a hypocrite.
Hang on, have I got that right.
Good joke from sir.prize by chosing mine as "best answer" thus ensuring me being booed off - I accept boo'ing for "medal" but I am not responsible for being cruel to the non-rich. Don't you get Sir's joke "nomination"? If you feel you deserved the chocolate gold medal, please refer to E-bay (reserve price £1,000). Please put out another stirrer Sir.
Last words: You heard right "young" Sir. Thatch destroyed business in UK. She wanted us to become a "service-supply country" - banking (lol), stock-exchange (lol), grocer's shops and rain-loving tourists. She sold off our liquid-gold (N. Sea Oil/Gas) and gave the money to the super-rich. She encouraged dog-eat-dog philosophy by stating that there is no such thing as "society" - I lived through it. She sowed the wind and we are still reaping the whirlwind. Now thick-assed Osby is doing even worse so prepare for humane/economic hurricane and sunami.
Love from SIQ.
Last words: You heard right "young" Sir. Thatch destroyed business in UK. She wanted us to become a "service-supply country" - banking (lol), stock-exchange (lol), grocer's shops and rain-loving tourists. She sold off our liquid-gold (N. Sea Oil/Gas) and gave the money to the super-rich. She encouraged dog-eat-dog philosophy by stating that there is no such thing as "society" - I lived through it. She sowed the wind and we are still reaping the whirlwind. Now thick-assed Osby is doing even worse so prepare for humane/economic hurricane and sunami.
Love from SIQ.
//Prince Harry was at the Swimming event this morning, did anyone boo him for his bad behaviour, er no they didn't .//
em10 - why would they have bood Prince Harry for frolocking with a young lady - how has that affected Joe Bloggs ?
Osbourne and co's , policies have directly impacted on a lot of people - that's why he received the response from the crowd .
As as been said by others , he clearly thought , wrongly, as it turned out , that he could benefit from the limelight of the games and was sadly , mistaken .
em10 - why would they have bood Prince Harry for frolocking with a young lady - how has that affected Joe Bloggs ?
Osbourne and co's , policies have directly impacted on a lot of people - that's why he received the response from the crowd .
As as been said by others , he clearly thought , wrongly, as it turned out , that he could benefit from the limelight of the games and was sadly , mistaken .
I haven't read all the posts yet but I was in the Stadium when Theresa May was booed. I would have preferred a complete silence which would have been such a contrast to the cheers for the competitors. However, it wasn't an aggressive booing. Almost humerous and didn't detract from the ceremony at all.
Should they have been there at all?...I think not.
Should they have been there at all?...I think not.
Understandable reaction by the crowd, directed at politicians hoping to bask in the reflected glory and garner column inches ( but given what happened to Osborne, May must have been half expecting similar).
The boos were clearly directed at the politicians. I do not believe the athletes in question would have felt at all slighted or their own efforts overshadowed by the crowd.
It was an opportunity for joe public to voice their disapproval before a hapless politician - and it was worth it just to see Osborne discomfited.
A big cheer all round to the crowd, I think .... :)
The boos were clearly directed at the politicians. I do not believe the athletes in question would have felt at all slighted or their own efforts overshadowed by the crowd.
It was an opportunity for joe public to voice their disapproval before a hapless politician - and it was worth it just to see Osborne discomfited.
A big cheer all round to the crowd, I think .... :)
Osborne would not have appeared if he knew that he was going to be booed. Therefore, he must have thought that the majority of the electorate were behind him in his misguided austerity measures. Regardless of the setting, the boos were merited and necessary to give this Tory buffoon some indication of the feelings toward him.