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What's out there ?

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Bazile | 12:50 Tue 11th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
1. What can you see out of your work /office/house window .

- Some boring concrete building

- A beautiful scene

- Other

What interesting event have you witnessed from your work /office/house window in the past ?

What would you like to see from your work /office / house window ?


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I'm in the upstairs of the office, so only roof windows! I can see all the planes flying by though, on their way to Heathrow. It's great when it rains heavy too!
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Trees, grass, shed, greenhouse, runner beans and courgettes.
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Your'e certainly in the running :-)
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rowanwitch - they have got trees in Birmingham ?
From my sunbed in Corfu I can see the harbour, mountains in Albania, the sea of course, trees, and a cat with 4 kittens.
Er, do any of you office-wallahs take a mad fit
& do something different, like a bit of work???
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it's lunchtime , silly
I can see the block of flats across the road from mine. Wish it wasn't there as then I would be able to see the sea.
A couple of chimney pots, trees, fields with a tractor spreading muck. A14 on the horizon. Buzzards and red Kites.
A canal, trees, water, the Falkirk Wheel, my cats, rain.

Sometimes I even get to see the junkies wandering along to find somewhere secluded to poison the atmosphere we have to share with them.
He was seadog, that picture was taken. when he was about 10 weeks old. I lost him in March, after nearly 11 years. We miss him.

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