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Remember the last time ?

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thenry | 19:43 Tue 11th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
You were on a bender but no amount of alcohol could assuage your appetite for drinking and you kept on drinking but you couldn't get pissed ?


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Never. 2 glasses of wine and I'm ready to lie down...
I was thinking I was with you ...

... up to the bit about not getting ratted.

How does that work ???
It used to happen regularly. I never used to be able to get pissed. I just couldn't physically drink any more alcohol. Then I discovered wine!
I'm no good at drinking. One glass of sherry and I get very tired, two glasses and I fall asleep under the table. Everyone else is merry and bright and I miss out on all the fun so I have a soft drink and join in. Sorry if I've disillusioned anyone.
Yes.....I proceeded to spend the night looking after my friend instead and didn't sleep coz was scared something would happen to her...praise the lord for 9" papa john pizzas
God yes, thenry, that happened many a time when I was a student. Nowadays I start to fall asleep after one glass of wine. :-(
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Reckon I'll just keep on going !
About 40 years ago in Nottingham's "Palaise de Dance". I discovered Scotch soon after and haven't looked back since ;-))
Yes! Smirnoff vodka was to blame... Just don't feel the effects of it!!
Never done that
When we were lads and working on the coal face we used to be out for every session and it seemed like we could drink for ever, Now I'm lucky if I go out three times a week and 10 pints between them. Graham had many a good night in Nottingham about that time, four of us used go down every Saturday night we'd start off at the Old White City dog track, then down town to the pubs often finishing up at the Bowling Alley, happy days
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Tis a rare event now but just to abandon the daily grind for a couple of days and get completely plastered ! No-one will know you now !
It happens to me, but seemingly without rhyme or reason. Last time was a few weeks back in Befast with my old football team. I cetainly was drunk in so far as I was unfit to drive, but I wasn't p1ssed. Like an earlier poster, I just got to the stage where I had had enough.

I prefer the blitzed on 6/7 pints nights - they're much cheaper.

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