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ive just hung some washing outside....

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gina32 | 09:00 Fri 14th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
good idea or not??? looking at the sky im starting to think not!


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Dark skies in the distance. They could be over your way.
Beautiful here in SE, I did all my washing yesterday so can't take advantage.
Lovely here today too, but windy - good drying weather!
its very windy!
Got a big wash dried yesterday. Very high winds overnight (no.....not me!) but calmed down a little today. Good drying weather.
Spoke too soon, it's looking rather black up there now.
Yep, looks like it's about to rain.
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well i left the washing out and it all dried and not a drop of rian in siaghall day

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ive just hung some washing outside....

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