Have you read either of these books or any alternative from cover to cover, or perhaps only just browsed through them? If so do you continue to read them on a regular basis?
I've read all of the Bible and the Quran, but once you realise that Islam accepts Noah's flood as being literally true, you can do away with any concerns that it might have the slightest chance of being inerrant.
MR, How would reading a highly erroneous account of jewish history and the condensed bigotry of an averagely ignorant Arab inform me of anything other than the obvious. If I want to become less ignorant there are far better books I could spend my time reading as could we all.
We don't have a bible in the house but I bought the koran one day and started it. But obviously I wasn't rivetted it by it. Same as Frankie Boyle's autobiography.
As a child I used to enjoy the bible stories at school. I have since intended to read the bible from cover to cover on several occasions.... but it gets so boring after an hour or so.
I tried and barely made it out of Genesis, as a work of fact it contains many untruths and as fiction it is boring and disjointed.
I don't feel that I have to read them fully to have an opinion on them, I have not read the whole Britannica but I think I can make a judgement about the bits I haven't based on the bits that I have. In any case my opinions are generally about the way people interpret and use those books rather than what they contain.
As a child I read quite a lot of the bible and as an adult I've reread parts. Since the rise of Islamic fundamentalism I've also read parts of the Koran to try (I've failed) to make some sense of it.
I tried to read the Bible but got bored very quickly. I did totally devour the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster however and have read it several times. Ramen.
I have not read all of any of the holy books. I have read enough though.
I was a passive atheist until I read Joshua in the Old Testament. Then I realised that the Bible (and the religions based on it) are extremely twisted misogynist philosophies that, rather than being a source of inspiration, underlies much of what is wrong in the global politic.
I have also read enough of the Quran to see it is really much the same.
I have read parts of various versions of the 'Holy Bible/s' (or as some assert, the 'Word of God'), easily enough to adequately bring into question the provenance of their alleged authorship and to dismiss their overall value as a resource for understanding how best to live ones life. If God truly did write any of these books the obvious question to ask is, why He chose the devil for His publisher?
Because Sith, since there is no evidence that god exists the underlying premise of both books is just a tad shaky and I won't bother to read either of them unless you or someone else can prove that god exists. Is ignorance of ignorance better than just plain old ignorance?
I was brainwashed with the bible, the catholic version, at school, haven't picked it up since, neither have I read the Koran. However, I have read the teaching of Buddah and found it quite enlightening.