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Evening All

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queenofmean | 22:21 Mon 17th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
How are you all doing?


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Good lass, that's the right attitude to take.
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Every little helps :)
I fancy doing something 'biggish' next year but its what to do?
I'm reading Henning Mankell (Wallander) The Dogs of Riga. Not bad, I only seem to read in bed lately so I'll be glad to get to the end of it.
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I've taken to reading in the bath - no idea why but I find it a nice peaceful place to get 5-10 minutes to myself, knowing I don't have to get out :) I'm just about to start a new book
I've got a couple of books lined up. I used to read in the bath a lot, yes nice and peaceful, only had one soggy book. Now I have a shower so no books lol. Goodnight Queenofmean. x
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Oh dear thats not so good.
Night Night xx
a very good night to you.

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Evening All

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