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I Need To Have A Change

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joggerjayne | 22:01 Mon 17th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
For the first time in ... well, possibly EVER! ... I just read my horoscope in Grazia while sitting on the ...

... actually, it doesn't matter where I was sitting ...

... and apparently I'm supposed to take the leap, move on, have a change, don't get stuck in my ways ... something like that ... can't remember the exact wording coz I've left my Grazia in the bathroom, and I'm not getting up again.

Has anyone else checked out their future prospects?


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Bit young for the change aren't you JJ ?
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Does having had children or not affect when that happens?
yes but jj if you look in another magazine it will probably tell you the exact opposite.Does Brighton still have a pier ? if so try Gypsy Rose Lee a hand reading one to one has got to be more accurate than a general horoscope for forty thousand readers. Hope tomorrows says you will come into some money and prince charming will propose.
That will mean going to Gstaad instead of Geneva !!!lol...xx
no, the future's bright, but it isn't necessarily orange.
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I adore Gstaad, but it's insanely expensive. You can ski it if you're staying in Chateau d'Oex.

The future will always be orange, as long as we have AnswerBank!

Of course Brighton has a pier. We have THE pier, surely! There's a huge occult movement in the town, so no shortage of readers and predictors of various types. There's one of the real old fashioned "come inside dearie" types, who works in one of the arches on the beach. And no ... I haven't been in. She's right near the annoying merry go round that only has about five tunes, and repeats them over and over and over, in one of those noises that sounds like a barrel organ. You know, typical fairground sound, but on the beach. If you're trying to have a coffee or something, it drives you nuts.
I bumped into a gent on Old Bond Street a couple of weeks ago, and he told me I had a lucky face, and would come into good fortune on Wednesday.
Unfortunately he didn't say which Wednesday, and I'm still waiting.
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Maybe tomorrow, BJ ?
The thing with these horoscopes in papers/magazines is that the readership is that large they are always right for somebody.

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I Need To Have A Change

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