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Takes me back...

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2sp_ | 12:07 Tue 25th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Weather is rotten outside, so the fire is lit and I have built #1 daughter a tent in the livingroom out of a wooden clothes horse with a blanket draped over it. She's happily sitting in it with bunny and lots of cushions, chatting and singing away.

My mum used to do the same for me when I was wee. I'd forgotten how much fun it was!

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Aw bless her, happy days remember the same with my mum,then with my daughter and grandaughter, fun doesn't have to be technology land.
Ah bless her!
Brings back lovely memories of me and my 9 sisblings when we were growing up. we got up to all sorts of funny tricks--some must have drove muvver mad x lol
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I remember spending hours in my homemade tents in the livingroom on rainy days.

She's back in there after a break for lunch. She did try to persuade daddy to join her, but he's got to back to work.

10 kids, pusskin! Your poor mother!
Sweet ! My mum did the same. When I was little, my great delight was any big cardboard box, because you could hide in it, make it an imaginary tent, get inside and roll around in it , all kinds of things which the childish imagination could invent. And as for the pots and pans under the sink! Much better than any expensive toy drum, or soldier's helmet or shield!
2sp, my Mother didnt do too bad really.
She would go out shopping and when she came back, she'd find that her living room had been changed round and done and dusted.

Mum didnt have time to be houseproud, so we willingly done jobs for her while she was out, and we loved it. I had 4 younger than me.
She never ever told us off bless her x lol
Awwwwww.I still remember when I used to do that.
But had to stop it when my wife told me I was too old at 53.
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Must have been a great childhood pusskin lots of wonderful memories.

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