Why was Jessica Ennis everywhere, talked of as "The Poster Girl" etc.? I don't have anything against her, I just wondered when there were so many other great sportspeople winning medals or not, why was she singled out. I didn't think she was especially stunning looking, perhaps she's just more media friendly as saw her face on some women's/celebrity type magazine. Just what this country needs, more celebs!!
Jessica Ennis was talked of as "The Poster Girl" because ahead of the Olympics she was selected as one of the "faces" of Team GB, along with others such as Keri-Anne Payne, to front the advertising for the Olympics. Similarly Ellie Simmonds was a Paralympic poster girl.
At least we can see what she's done to achieve her "celebrity", awful word.
If I'm seriously bored, I look at the names of "celebs" on the Mail on Line website and see how many I can identify in terms of their work, not simply because they were there last time I looked. When I can recognise 30%, I feel in need of a bath, who exactly are the Karkrashians??????