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I really want to get a tatoo on my lower back nothing big and it will be in black! I really am scared about the pain though, can anyone tell me what it feels like? Is there such thing as numbing cream plz plz answers thanks
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Hard to answer this without knowing what your pain threshold is. Personally I'm a coward, but I have 2 tattoos and I didn't feel any real pain. It's more of a scratching kind of sensation (if that makes sense) and then it was only at the beginning. I would not hesitate to have another tattoo done ... to me the hardest part was deciding what design to have. Knowing that you are going to have it for the rest of your life makes it a decision you should not rush. Tattoo removal is difficult and (I understand) more painful than getting it done! I don't know about any numbing cream - I wasn't offered any and I never asked about it. Just make sure if you have one done that you don't scratch off the scabs - you'll ruin the tattoo and possibly cause scarring.
Hi ! I have had one done on my lower back a few years ago. Although it didn't take very long to have it done, I almost passed out twice from the pain ! It's hard to describe, it's like a scratching and burning sensation, but what it really painful is the needle going over the bone, because as somenone said before, there is no padding there. So if you are a bit nervous about it, I would advise to have a very small one done, and maybe have it completed later. Once it's started, you won't be able to stop, so make sure it doesn't take long ! Having said that, everybody is different and you might very well have a higher pain threshold than me....Good luck to you !
Well said Nicola - finding a good tattooist is very important. (I can recommend a good one in Birmingham).
Kezia - don't be afraid to ask the tattooist to talk you through it. He (they're usually male) will be able to tell you how long it takes to do your design - whether it's one from his stock or a design of your own - and will also tell you about the aftercare of your tattoo (Very important - you want it to still look good in 50 years time!!). If he's good he will not tattoo someone who is unsure/nervous or scared. (When I had my first one done my tattooist turned away a bloke who was obviously half-cut - told him to come back when he was sober and knew what he was doing!).
Let us know how you get on - and good luck.
Hobsonbear - As Nicola said, speak to your tattooist, but I would think taking some antihistimine tablets for a day might keep off the itching if it brings on a rash.
And Maximo - sorry to hear you had such pain when you had yours done - maybe you'll have the next one done away from the bone.
Finally a word of caution - TATTOO'S ARE ADDICTIVE. Nicola_red has 10!! Took me years to get my first one done, now I have two and am looking for something original for my 3rd - you have been warned!!!!!
Hi, as most have said already, its feels like something is scratching you in the same place over and over. Its more an irritating feeling than pain.
One thing you must remember, once you have one and realise its not that sore, you WILL want another. Another thing I found is after my first one I felt it was too small, luckily I was able to add to it and eventually got it how I want. I went back 5 times to have more added to it.
All the best...
I've got 5 tats and I wouldn't say they hurt immensly. I've got one right between my boobs on the breast bone and there's not much fat under there so that was a bit uncomfortable but I would never say they're painful. It feels more like a constant scratch. When the tattooist starts it's a bit uncomfortable to start with as he's breaking the skin but most tattooist will take it nice and slow. you'll find that your body will quickly pump adrenaline and numbing fluids to the area as it's its natural way of survival. So after a while it can feel a bit numb really.
I does also help if you take an ibuprofen 1/2 before as it takes the tip of the pain off if you're quite sensitive.
You can get a numbing cream over the counter at the chemist. It's a numbing cream you use for insect bites. I don't know if it'll help you with the tattoo.
Most importantly about having a tattoo. Be damn sure you're not going to change your mind and when choosing a place make sure it makes you feel comfortable. The tattooist should always show you how he sets up the system with brand new needles and how he disposes of the needles so you know he's not "recycling"
Hope this helps
As said previously it is about your won personal pain threshhold and also the size of the tattoo. However I had one done there and it did NOT hurt! the only way I can describe it it, ya know when you were little and say if you fell off your bike and just scratch the surface of your skin slightly. Where it more burns then hurts?? Thats how mine felt, which is nothing! the only thing that annoyed me was the itching as it heeled but it doesnt take long. Your lower back is meant to be the worst place and my tattooist had just had one done in the same place before he did mine and said it killed but he musta been a wimp! lol
But certainly I would recommend you go to a good tattooists!
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Im getting my 1st tat on tuesday on left arm very costly i cant post it because as u all know its personal PEOPLE SHOULD NOT HAVE SAME TAT THATS THE RULES