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My favourite IS the favourite ............

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Ann | 21:26 Mon 01st Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
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The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem
Only By The Night - Kings of Leon
Parachutes - Coldplay
X&Y - Coldplay
What’s The Story Morning Glory - Oasis
21 - Adele
I have...

Abba - Gold
James Blunt
Dido - No Angel
Shania Twain
The Beatles - 1
Michael Buble
Scissor Sisters
Lady Gaga
Kings of Leon
Snow Patrol
Robbie's Greatest Hits and I've Been Expecting You :-)

And that's 12... I never noticed Michael Buble the first time!
I love ABBA I sing along to them but I don't have any of their music. Robbie Williams and George Michael, think I've still got Shania Twain.

Duncer don't you mean the Devil's spawn. :0)
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Never listened to any of those Mick-T, I'm a 60s/70s girl :)
Oasis, Keane, The Verve and Eminem. Pretty predictable, really.
My total is zip but....... I have all the Queen albums ♥
I've just looked and I have eleven of those albums.

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My favourite IS the favourite ............

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