Is It Really That Difficult? in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Is It Really That Difficult?

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Duncer | 17:29 Sat 06th Oct 2012 | Crosswords
11 Answers
I went through to Glasgow on Thursday to see Y&T at the Classic Grand. As with all gig venues, the beer is extortionate and the choice very limited, so we had a few beers in Wetherspoon's next door. At about 19:45 I popped down to the venue to ask what time the group were on stage at, only to be met by two bouncers who said "Naw". I asked them how they could have a gig on and not know what time it started at and was told "We don't get that sort of information". I asked could I go into the box office and ask, to be told "They'll no know either". We eventually got one of the doorstaff to volunteer they would be on at 20:30 but, when we went back at 20:20, they were on their second song. Quite apart from the appalling customer service, I cannot imagine any other business that would treat their customers so shabbily, as if we don't pay enough for tickets, booking fees and other assorted add-ons.

I rang the Corn Exchange in Edinburgh tonight to try and ascertain what time Slash would be on stage tomorrow, and was told they didn't know. I asked who would, and the not very bright young guy told me he had no idea. As I am working tomorrow I really need to know so that I can decide whether to go straight from work or not. He suggested I "ring back tomorrow and somebody 'might' know". "Might"????

Why can't they off the same service as the HMV Picture House who have an automated service telling you the start and finish times of the support act and the main attraction? Is it really that difficult, or do these acts just turn up when they feel like it, leaving the poor venue bewildered? How do they know what the finish time for their staff will be when they don't even know the start time?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Being an ex wegie I have to ask you duncer. Have you any idea of the average IQ of your Glasgow bouncer? Sorry if it spoiled your evening.
18:03 Sat 06th Oct 2012
Well Duncer, you obviously admit to being the stupid one with a name like that. Surely you're not expecting the staff to actually do their job? Isn't it enough that they have gone to the enormous effort of turning up at work, without expecting them to actually do anything for their salary? You silly, silly person. Such unrealistic expectations. Paying a huge amount of money for a ticket does not entitle you to anything. What a ridiculous notion.
Being an ex wegie I have to ask you duncer. Have you any idea of the average IQ of your Glasgow bouncer? Sorry if it spoiled your evening.
Did you have Cross Words with them?
Rightly or wrongly concerts are usually like this in my experience. The concert start time is given in advance but they don't guarantee the time the main act will start. If you go for a drink you run the risk of missing the start
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No, the start time was not given in advance, and Glasgow venues vary wildly with their start and finish times.
Doesn't it tell you on the tickets?
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It tells you what time doors open, but that has little correlation with start times.
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"The concert start time is given in advance but they don't guarantee the time the main act will start. If you go for a drink you run the risk of missing the start"

In my experience the only thing given is the time doors open. Is it really too much to ask for a guide? I would have thought asking people who worked in the venue hosting the event would have led to my not missing the start?
As you've put this in Crosswords, how many letters? & do you have any placed?
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What a Richard Cranium I can be?
Easily done, sorry couldn't resist it.
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Quite alright.

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