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All quiet on the desktop front? .......

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Ann | 16:00 Thu 11th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
O dear, thought she had only 10 minutes in court .............. ;)


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I can tell you if I had an injunction after spitting on a policewoman, verbally abusing someone and had to go to court etc, the last thing I would be bothering about is what music was played at the end of location, location, location! It doesn't add up to me.
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Yes Horlicks sends you to sleep - in fantasy world ;)
Let's draw a line under it then, otherwise it's only feeding the trolls.
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Yep :(
Agree Boxy x
Just by the way, what was the music on the last Horlicks ad?
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... shooo .....
I agree too but.......

On which thread is the line drawn?

There are so many of them!

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All quiet on the desktop front? .......

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