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It's not only our Islamic cousins in faith who take umbrage when things held dear are mocked...

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sandyRoe | 07:44 Fri 05th Oct 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
14 Answers
Should the Eastern European Christians involved chill and take a more relaxed attitude?



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They're all potty.
// Should the Eastern European Christians involved chill and take a more relaxed attitude? //

Both the above, but that's culture for you. 'Difficult' to tell someone their beliefs need to change to yours.
//'Difficult' to tell someone their beliefs need to change to yours. //

It seems to me that's precisely what religious protesters are attempting to do.
Evangelists and the like maybe, but I think there is a subtle difference here in that the protestors would be complaining they being offended by this portrayal and think that ought not be allowed. More of a, 'too thin skin', and, 'faith easily knocked', type of thing.
totally agree with Naomi.
I doubt anyone would say Islamic cousins in faith, seeing how their belief is the one and only. We are infidels as i recall, from listening to any number of scholars, followers of Islam.
Arrogance is fundamental to all the Abrahamic faiths.

It has to be for them to accept such utter rubbish as truth without a shred of evidence to support their assertions.
By protesting, this sort of 'art' is receiving far more attention that it deserves.

Nonetheless, freedom of self expression provides a perhaps less obvious benefit than the freedom itself in exposing the true colours of both the 'artist' and the manner in which those offended by the 'art' choose to respond.
I read the article - it's a "controversial new image " by a "controversial Swedish artist" - so I guess that it's the first time it's being shown - so why isn't it being shown in Stockholm ? Why isn't it being used to provoke outrage there ? What is it about provoking outrage in other peoples countries but not your own ?
It's being shown in Eastern Europe , specifically in Orthodox Eastern Europe .
Why not show it in Rome ?
Good luck to the demonstrators . I'll be with them spiritually if not physically .
//- so why isn't it being shown in Stockholm //

Maybe it was, but the Swedish just decided to behave like adults and ignore it.
-- answer removed --
havent seen this on BBC. i wonder why...
Lightbulb, why are you wondering when Birdie has already given you the reason?

//Indignant through they are, I rather suspect that they won't be burning down embassies and murdering people in quite the same 'indignant' way that some people of other faiths in other countries have been doing of late.//

Perhaps their actions aren’t quite so newsworthy.

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It's not only our Islamic cousins in faith who take umbrage when things held dear are mocked...

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