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ok 3rd attempt- emmerdale

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dotty. | 23:11 Fri 19th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
could someone please tell me what happened on tonights episode after debbie got the text, thanks


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Don't watch it Dotty, looks like nobody else did
I didn't see it, but I'm about to watch it on ITV player.
Watching it now, she sent the children off with Andy, tackled Cameron about the affair, eventually kicked him out. He went to Chas, she said she'd killed Carl and he didn't contradict her, looked like the cogs were turning. Charity and Cain got the story out of Debbie, Cain said he'd kill him, it went off as they were trying to stop him.
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ok good, i've found it on i[player and so will catch up now, glad it's not dragged on though
its repeated on itv2 in the early hours if that helps and again monday afternoon. All i know is Debbie chucked Cameron out, he went straight round to see Chas. Then Charity, Zak and Cain found Debbie in a state and Cain threatened to put them both in the grave next to the rest of the Kings.
I'm going to tape the omnibus tomorrow and watch it with subtitles.Even with my hearing aid in I couldn't make out what Cameron was saying!
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just watched it on itvplayer, good episode, cameron is a bastard

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