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A prayer.

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cupid04 | 02:20 Sat 20th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I'd like to lift up a prayer for craft1948, that she may get the help she needs.
And I'd like to offer up a prayer for all those that live alone , and for those that are far from well. Please don't take offence because none is intended.
Sleep well everyone. Love cupid04.xx


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I don't know the circumstances of craft1948 cupid pal, but I'll join you in a prayer.
Same, same
Nice thoughts cupid and some I share.
I will offer a song for craft, also to you, cupid, because you are steadfastly nice. Wharton, shooty and Nox, who is permanently good!
So.........what songs am I playing?
The Power and the Glory. I've always loved this. Please don't take it as an offence......
Excellent track Sir Alec ;)
we are all thinking of you craft, you have many friends, include me in the prayer.xdeex
did craft get back in touch, as saw a long thread yesterday?
i'm with all of you on this. there are oftn ies when it is the best thing to do.
Thank you so much for posting this Cupid, I also pray that Craft is ok as we still haven't heard how she is, that God will keep her safe and that she is better soon........ and for all ABers who need a special prayer today. xx
Craft thinking of you and hope you are feeling better.
let us hope that we here again from craft very soon.
Lovely, cupid, I hope Craft's medication gets sorted asap and best wishes from me also. It's so lovely to see Sir Alec posting again and hugs to her and you xx
Nice thoughts cupid i to will offer prayer to all you mention
I'm with you all on that.
No idea what is wrong with craft. Must have missed the thread but God knows. That's the main thing.
That's a lovely thing to do, cupid. I just hope craft's ok. x
Parkdale - here is the link to the post which gave great concern amongst us all.
Ann86 - thanks for the link, it's really good to know that there are so many genuinely decent caring folk in AnswerBank.
craft1948 - good luck - Wharton - known affectionately (I think) as 'Warts' or 'Warty'
Oh dear, I did not know craft was poorly. Please get well soon my love you are missed here. I'll look out for your post which will brighten our days again.

Cupid, Please keep us informed of crafts progress. She will be in my prayers too.

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