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Dare I Do It?

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mrs_overall | 11:32 Mon 22nd Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
We have a large chest freezer in the shed and it must be over a year since it was sorted. Apart from several stone of mackerel, I have no idea what else is lurking in there. My options are to don some gloves and set to....or have another cuppa and forget about it.


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have a cuppa then do it
Leave it till another day.
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Gee thanks trigger - and despite what everyone else says, I used to like you lol
have you mislaid any former husbands? You may have tried some amateur cryogenics then forgotten about it.
Yes I say do It too,go on mrs o,don your gloves (maybe even gasmask) and go sort that
That's my favourite saying.
Do it right now and send any leftover mackerel to me.
Feet up.....cuppa......forget about it! Remember last time you were attacked by a mackerel? Gx
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Parkdale, you are welcome to all of it. The freezer in the house is also full of the damn things
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Morning Gness. I know, I know, dangerous things mackerel
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jno, that is a nasty rumour - I would never keep an ex in the freezer.

<<<<hope no one mentions concrete pilings on the M62>>>>>
if used carelessly, yes
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Go on, Mrs O, do it! I'm desperate to know what's lurking in there. Shergar? Lord Lucan?
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kiki, there may even be the odd woolly mammoth bone
Tell the fishermen Go fish in the Freezer!
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Oh sod it. I'll put the kettle on

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