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maggiebee | 23:52 Mon 22nd Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Who's going to stay up all night to keep me company?


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Nobody? Ah well, might as well go to bed.
I can't, I need to sleep!
Not me. Goodnight maggiebee. See you soon.
You've got about 5 mins with me Maggie but I'm golng out for a smoke first so......?
I would byt i need my beauty sleep more than most!
No replies, huh? I'm up to bed. Early get up, Goodnight.
I'm stlll here
stayed up too late last night,kept dropping off all day
i'm going to have a go at getting some sleep. need to be bright-eyed and bushy tailed in the morning.
Would normally be up till about 2 but have a 160 mile round trip tomorrow for a funeral so will probably go sleepy-byes soon
Thoughts are with you for later on today puternut. cupid.x
I dunno. Who?
Has this got anything to do with your result against Caley Thistle, maggiebee?
still here maggie
I'm now going,going gone

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