My phone has a problem and i'm not insured in The AnswerBank: Insurance
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My phone has a problem and i'm not insured

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Sweetee | 15:32 Mon 22nd Oct 2012 | Insurance
8 Answers
What is the best and quickest way to getting insured so that i can get my phone fixed and who would be the best company to do this?
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I'd be surprised if any company would insure a broken phone
how old is your phone?
They won't cover you for any problems arising before you took out the insurance.
how would they ever know though?
I think the fact that she signed up for a policy then immediately tried to claim on it would be a red flag to any insurance company. Depending on the phone and the fault it may be a cheap fix anyway, maybe even cheaper than a policy.
If you have home contents insurance it might already be covered in that
claiming straight after taking out a policy :)
...you usually can't claim on this type of insurance for the first month after taking it out, anyway...

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My phone has a problem and i'm not insured

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