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clocks to go back

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Dee Sa | 07:18 Sat 27th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I was taught by an American lady -the easiest way to remember is :-
spring forward-fall back.
Would anyone mind explaining to my two dogs thats means an extra hour in bed ?


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i wish they would stop mucking about with the clocks, my body clock goes haywire when they change. I absolutely detest the dark evenings, i know winter is on it's way.
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they would get my vote to stop it.
Mine too.
Our mutt gets fed at 5.30 (ish) Trying to explain to her whether it's forward or back falls on deaf ears, she's sticking strictly to HER 5.30
i'm with you em. my poor body clock. gets all unnecessary.
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i was told that too but always forget which way round as things can spring back and fall forward
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I think in the US the "fall" is their autumn.

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clocks to go back

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