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Knitting for Charity

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maggiebee | 14:07 Mon 05th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Does anyone have a UK address that I could send handknitted jumpers and hats to? Originally knitted for "fish and chip" babies, but my contact no longer takes them. Got quite a bundle so if anyone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.


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What are "fish and chip" babies, please?
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Think the name came from areas where people are so poor that their babies are brought home wrapped in newspaper to keep them warm.
Yep that right maggie, the poor little mites are wrapped in old newspapers as they don't have enough clothes and blankets for them.
Maggie I wonder if Samaritans Purse may take them to put in the shoeboxes or to take out to the countries involved. I would ring them to see. I had a binbag full of new children's shoes donated by the Clarks shop one year (left over from sales) I rang them and they were delighted to take them, they even collected them from me.
I'm sure your local charity shops, or womens' refuge would love them. Depending on the sizes, your local maternity unit might also welcome them for premature babies.
Maggie, if you google 'knitting for charity', you'll find lots of information.
Question Author
Thanks for all the info folks. Will get on to it ASAP.
You're doing a very lovely thing maggie

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