I was in the company of a passing acquaintance yesterday. She is 8 months pregnant and was saying her midwife had advised her to stay away from fireworks as the noise could bring on early labour.
Now, I'm all for mothers-to-be taking precautions, but she was telling us this with a cigarette in her mouth...
I had to leave the conversation as others were telling her she was right to put her baby's health first...
I don't think so hc. The babies born addicted to drugs are from mothers that inject, I believe, so it's going straight into the blood stream which then goes into the baby.
Thanks ummm. Stout has iron in it, so that's why it was given to mothers. There must have been times in my youth when I was suddenly anaemic ; about 8 pints anaemic.
My Mum deliberately smoked during pregnancy because she believed it kept the baby small, making for an easier delivery. That sort of thing is so nice to hear as you get older.