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Not jumping the gun or anything.......

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dotty. | 22:25 Wed 07th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
but some of my US facebook pals are already declaring support for Hillary Clinton as the 2016 democratic candidate. I understand a US president can only do 2 terms, mmmm first female US president. I like the sound of that.


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remember margaret thatcher?
Like the sound of a female US president but definitely not Hillary Clinton.
Why not, Maggie, she's good
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if clinton remains secretary of state, at which she seems to have done a decent job, it would make sense
versus Joe Biden apparently.....disadvantage age, will be 65.
I thought she'd already done two terms ;-)
She' ll be pushing 70 in 2016 .
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in this country women have to work until they are nearly 70. I know I have to.
I've heard Biden will go at the midterms, she'll get Vice President job and run in 2016. The really scarey thing I've heard is Jeb Bush running as the Republican candidate. Surely they're not that stupid?
She looks like she's been taking steroids (or Big Macs)
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why does her weight matter? would you have commented on the weight of Henry Kissinger of Cyrus vance ? or whoever did the job since those two?
Yes, if they blobbed up.
Hopkirk, that story was from 2010 - what does she look like now - not that it matters a jot.
"....I've heard is Jeb Bush running as the Republican candidate. Surely they're not that stupid?...."

I draw your attention to Mr Romney and his pet chimp.

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