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£50,000 - lifechanging?

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Smowball | 13:15 Fri 09th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
If you won £50,000 - no more, no less so not millions, would it be life-changing for you? And what would you do with it?


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Not life changing but useful.......£121 million up for grabs tonight on the Euro, folk.
Not life changing but it would come in very handy. £121 million, now that would definitely change a few things.
to start Jno, then probably to my island in the carib after that
I never bother playing lotteries when there's a huge jackpot. I don't see the logic.
I asked almost the same question a few week ago
I am going to invest £29k in prem bonds for a while then pay for my lawn to be tarmaced over
Yes, I think so.

I'd use it, well some of it, to finish decorating thehouse, and put the rest towards somewhere in Cornwall, along with the money from the sale of this place.
nope Boo, im retiring to cormwall, there isn;t enough cake for the both of us, bog off and find your own county
Oh don't be fretting,my place will be on the coast somewhere, miles from anywhere and more importantly anyone.

Oh, and I suppose I better use some of the money to learn to drive too!
Life changing no. Would be nice though.
Yeah, I guess it would be a nice deposit on a house or something. Certainly not to be sniffed at.
I would give it to the young'uns. It wouldn't change my life but it would change theirs.
Yes it woud be life changing for us, it'd be nice to be able to afford to go out for a meal/holiday without thinking twice.
I could pay off my debts and buy my council flat thus freeing up a good chunk of my wages every month. It wouldn't exactly change my life but it would have the potential to make life more fun.

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