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Train Travel

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cjscouse | 15:55 Sat 10th Nov 2012 | Travel
9 Answers
I have heard a rumour that you can buy a return train ticket from anywhere to anywhere for £18.50. Does anyone no if this is true or not, if so please let me now how i get them, as i want to go and see my brother in Scottland.


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I saw an advert which says London to Edinburgh from £18.50, but whether that is acheivable I don't know. Take a look on here and check for a single ticket each way as well as a return when comparing prices.

Where are you wanting to travel from and too? Happy to ckeck prices with you.
The rumour is not true but may be a twisted version of reality, as with so many rumours

However, there is an offer at the moment if you are 55 plus of £19 for a return ticket between any two Scottish stations for off peak travel. Lasts until the end of November.

Other companies have similar offers occasionally - but only in their own areas.

You just walk into any station in Scotland and buy the ticket and show proof of age if asked.
Sorry I forgot to include the link

No, it's not true. However there are specific special offers as described above, and usually there are also cheap deals for booking 3 months in advance with most train companies.
always remember to research your journey before buying your train only takes a few mins to see if split journey tickets are cheaper. I have done it, and sometimes there is a saving.
Avoid the "". They're only a ticket agency and will charge booking fees. Get your tickets from the TOC on the route you'll be travelling on.
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You can get very cheap tickets if you buy 6-8 weeks in advance - we just missed out a few weeks ago, we could have got to Scotland and back for less then £50 for both of us - but all the cheapies had gone by the time we made up our mind to go, so we are having to pay full price. If I were you I would check at your local station, but you are running out of time if you want to go before Christmas.
what do you mean, sky - "is not poundage"?

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