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NoMercy | 23:42 Mon 12th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
You looking forward to a nice bit of sausage?


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A black pudding bap methinks ...
Dave's not joining any cliques.
Nom, want some, but does this qualify as a clique?
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The Sausage Appreciation Society is most definitely a clique.
Yay!!! I'm in Nom's SAS!!!!!
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It's a 9-inch minimum, gness x
That will need Rowan to knit a supersized warmer ...
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what's the skin made of?
oooooh you are naughty but i do like a sausage like that.
Oh bums....I thought I was getting a gun and could jump through windows shouting.....well whatever they shout.
Didn't know sausages could shout anything gness.
you're thinking of the wrong sort of banger.

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