Depends on so many factors flipnflap.....depends upon for what reason the blood tests have been taken and also on post code lottery (how efficient your local service is).......anything from 3 days to 3 weeks.
That was quick Paul. I think it would have to be a miracle for it to be as quick as that in my docs, but I know if something was wrong you would get a call from the doc so no bother there. Otherwise about a week.
Usually takes a week at our practice. I had a full bloods test a month ago (7 vials of blood) and the results came back a week later. Even when I have two blood tests it takes a week.
we have to go to our local hospital for blood tests now and both times my fasting blood sugars been too high ive had a call within 48 hours but otherwise they say ring in a week so no news is good news hopefully :)