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Robbie Williams

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maggiebee | 15:33 Wed 14th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Think I'll go stark raving bonkers if Radio 2 play his bl**dy song again - Candy?
More like soor plooms for me!


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I used to like him but for some reason he annoys me lately
Oi you two! The man is delicious, leave him alone! ;) x
lol he is morphing into his dad and norman wisdom have you noticed ;)
My eldest daughter had a date with him just before he joined Take That - she reckoned he was a bit of a plank - i imagine he's grown up somewhat by now,
I don't mind some of his earlier stuff that I hear on the Radio but that is just earworm Candy.
Can't stand the man, but do really like this song. Don't think I've liked any of his previous songs, and he gets right on my nerves. Big-headed muppet!
I hate you all! lol ;)
Oh I don't know, I liked him in ' Mork and Mindy ' lol.
Lol nanoo nanoo ;)
LOL, this is Mork from Ork.
full of mirth from earth
I loved the episode where people thought he was in the airforce, and having intorudced himself as he always did - 'Mork from Ork' he was thereafter ionroduced as Lieutanant Fromork. Priceless!
Ok Robbie is an ok looking kinda guy, am I the only one who thinks he can not sing ? Strewth he is not good. I like the latest ditty, however somebody younger may have done it .

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