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live at home quiz

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smurf | 13:59 Tue 20th Nov 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
answers are a word that can go before or after home to make a new word or phrase
9 of the first order, yet last somehow
15 i follow gang to the french
23 youve got to move , petal
33 start with easy calculation of notes or money in current system
thanks for any help
book poem , play or poem and its author with live or home in title
once again thanks for any help


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9) stately
15 Mobile
15) mobile
9. Stately home
15. mobile home
33) economics - initial letters of words in clue
eco-home? (33)
gullivers travels?
23.Home plate (baseball)
Gullivers Travels Jonathan Swift
The Homecoming Harold Pinter
Question Author
thanks to all of you

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live at home quiz

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