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Relating to food or drink

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pizza | 21:33 Mon 12th Nov 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
30 Answers
Did anyone get the pain in the bu** ?
Sad song about an inefficent locking system 8,5


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relating to food or drink, des o'connor is a notorious alcoholic mamya
could it be something jerky??
oh it might be something 'tears' as in crying
or something drops? Lemon drops is too short.
I like the Tears suggestion (as in Ken Dodd's song) but can't think of a food /drink.

I am still thinking of Honey as the sad song but am stuck on the rest. Can we justify Strained Honey or Filtered Honey?

Honeydew melon also sprang to mind but I can't parse that.
I was just wondering whether anyone has worked this one out yet.
I of course figured it out on day one, and will smile smugly on all of you from my lofty pinnacle when the answer is published.
No, I haven't a clue either, despite having a go each time it comes up.
On another forum, someone suggested Bleeding Heart (and you can eat Heart), but where locking comes in, I dunno http://www.crosswords...509/food-for-thought/
I did wonder whether the locking system could refer to locks on a canal, so I thought inefficient locking system could be LEAKS (which could be a pun on LEEKS) for the second word

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Relating to food or drink

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