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Tuvok | 18:45 Tue 06th Nov 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
35 Answers
Got a quiz on Halloween to post this week. Stuck on a few. My comments are brackets.

The hint is "sound - spelling - anagram - cryptic"

Cast by the sun at the end of the day
(I'm assuming SHADOWS, but would aprreciate a second opinion.)

Always awake and very active at night

Male cat follows a Greek god with hydrogen

I am consumed with great anger

What are the tradiontional colours for Halloween
(Black and Orange)

What country did Halloween come from.
(Don't think it is USA - as researching in internet imolies it was the Scots and Irish that introduced it to them!)


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Already used GHOST, but perhaps a variation of GHOUL....
I shall break my own rule as you are so near the deadlind ...

oops deadline sorry
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I'm keeping wraith in mind - and will use that if I can't find anything else!
Question Author
Still stumped on the Alwaya Awake and the Country clues.

Possibly Poltergeist for the Awake one....
Keep it in mind? Ok...fits the theme and the clue perfectly. Best of luck.
always alive vampire bat
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Quite a few quizs can have more than one correct answer...
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Used Vampire already and have also used Bats
Yes I am aware of that, have 30 on the go at the moment, wish you well in this one Tuvok.
I'm with you, Mamyalynne. Wraith is very obviously a great answer.
Question Author
I've never had 30 - most would be around 6! I have another 3 but they are not due to December.
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Got the next quiz and the answers to this one back today.

The answer to

Always awake and very active at night

wasn't Zombies. It was OWL - what has that to do with Halloween???

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