TWR posted a question down there about if you found a grand would you keep it or hand it in. The majority of posters took the view they would hand it in.
However, at what level would you think "sod it" and trouser the money?
a fiver, 20 quid? 100?
I found a quid the other day and stuck it in my pocket, but then in true karma fashion lost a quid a few days later (it fell out the trolley).
So what would you keep and at what point would you hand in? Where is "honesty" on this scale?
We found a brief case in a trolley. Took it home, rang the man and arranged to reunite him with it and the ungrateful git asked if we had found his milk too.
Markrae and I are somewhat different. I pick up the 1p pieces that get dropped at the till in the 99p shop! Often when you are paying the small change stops you breaking into another note and having a purse stuffed with coins.
An episode of Shelley dealt with a similar subject, IIRC, though that was somebody doing research to see how honest people really were by leaving wallets lying around the place and containing various amounts off money together with his business card...
I've always fancied trying the one where you stick money to the ground, see how many people make how much effort trying to pick it up (and how obvious/not they make it).
Jenna, my friend and I did that. We superglued a £1 to the top of her gatepost then settled down in the window of her kitchen with a bottle of Cava expecting to be entertained for a while. Not one person tried to pick it up.
As I said in the other thread £20.00p, is mine having said that I once found a Twenty on the floor of the pub which I knew must have belonged to one of 10-15 guys as it was a dinner time and there'd only been that many guys all regulars in. I gave it to the landlord and forgot about. A couple of months later he gave it me back as nobody had asked about it, we had a couple of rounds for the lads who were in (beer was only around a £1.00 a pint) and the change went into a charity box. In regards to small change a mate of mine works for the local council and one of his jobs is picking up litter and he and his mates pick up every denomination of coin which goes into a pot for the teams Christmas piss up and he says that over the year they can pick up anything between £150-300 just in change.
This thread has reminded me of August -September of '63 when everybody dreamed of finding a post bag full of used bank notes. I mean 50-100 grand in untraceable used bank notes left lying about by a bunch of crooks, now that I know would have been stashed under the mattress for future use.
I've said on the other thread (not seeing this one first) that it'll be a different answer under different circumstances - people think nothing of picking up small money, larger sums might be different depending on the context.
Just got back from Dubai where a taxi driver found 100,000 dirhams, lots of other assorted currency which he didn't recognise, an iPhone and a passport in his cab after three foreigners got out. Took to the Police and then had a call later in the day to go back and see the police. The foreigners thanked him as best they could. And that was it! the cabbie said he was happy because his god would appreciate his honesty.