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How Much Do You Know About Your Partner

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Caribeing | 21:36 Mon 26th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
How much do you know your partner, husband wife etc, do you know their waist size, bra size, neck size etc. This was prompted about the time I worked in a clothes shop a man came in on Christmas Eve to buy a bra for his wife I asked what size is she he said I don't know but I take size eight in gloves


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Some mothers do have them!
I know all there is to know about him, but he wouldn't have a clue about me.
(That's the way I like it though!)
I know his collar size, waist and inside leg measurement. I can easily buy clothes for him, but he wouldn't have a flaming clue about me.
I used to know but he's slowly expanding!
Evening Mary,

Neck size?.....ermmmm nope...dont know that offhand

Waist size ...yep i know that

Dress size....yep know that too

Bra size? usually cup my hands for a rough guesstimate but looks like i'm about to attack the shop assistant, so get some pretty weird looks mostly.
This question was on BBC Breakfast this morning.
Dress size, bra size, shoe size, and even glove size. But ask me what colour her eyes are and I can never remember . Bluish? Greenish? Brownish ? They're definitely something- ish And as for what she was wearing when last seen; if I lose her in a shop, I can never remember what colour clothing to look out for to find her again.
I know all the sizes of my OH but he doesnt know mine thank goodness. HE think that bra cup sizes refer to the shape of the breast, ie. C for rounded boobs, A for pointed ones and B for mishapen. I always tell him never to buy me clothes as he always buys a small size and expects me to shrink into it, hint hint

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How Much Do You Know About Your Partner

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