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where's the cat in the Nativity story?

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boxtops | 18:12 Fri 30th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
my sister just sent me this :-)

Cat in the Manger
In the story, I'm not there.
Ox and Ass, arranged in prayer:
But me? Nowhere.

Anti-cat evangelists
How on earth could you have missed
Such an obvious and able
Occupant of any stable?

Who excluded mouse and rat?
The harmless necessary cat.
Who snuggled in with the holy pair?
Me. And my purr

Matthew, Mark, and Luke and John,
(Who got it wrong,
Who left out the cat)
Remember that,
Wherever He went in this great affair
I was there.


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darn right
18:29 Fri 30th Nov 2012
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If not, it would be a catastrophe, or cataclysmic.
Have you checked the catacombs?
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They're full of caterpillars
They'll be caterwauling now
well at least back then, there weren't a couple of the caterwauling plonkers that beset AB today, as proven by earlier, not you sibs or boxtops.
Hi DT, been out tonight?
yep, and very enjoyable too, a very nice roast belly pork......hope you have had a good day/evening x
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The cat would like belly pork (so would I!).

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where's the cat in the Nativity story?

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