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dotty. | 22:25 Tue 04th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
. Men, not a clue


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Shouldn't that be in crosswords?
I know, right! I can't stand that one in particular....
A cryptic one that I actually understand (I think!).
is this a Garth post?
Question Author
if a footballer suffers from a knee injury and has to have a cartilage operation they're heroes.
Don't worry, they don't have a clue about us either
Go and suck an egg, Dot :0) x

You ladies need us, want us, adore us, cherish us, and love us.

Admit it, Dot......what would you do without us? :0)
Ooh I'm hero
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No it's a 'hyperemesis gravidarum' is bloody nasty post and blokes with no understanding of how potentially serious it could be should keep quiet.
I'm with you on that one, hun....a most insensitive comment in my opinion.....

Not all tarred by the same brush, Miss Garth....... I have the utmost respect for you lovely ladies and what you have to endure through pregnancy and in childbirth.....and some men complain when we bang our thumb with a hammer...not quite the same really now, is it? :0)
I thought Dr Sqad had already explained it?
Question Author
obviously not everyone has bothered to check it out jno
One of my daughters went through it dotty so I, for one, know exactly what's what. (At least in this instance).
I had it. Absolutely awful.
I haven't got a clue.
Kate Middleton and morning sickness.

People are writing it off like it's just a bit of morning sickness and that's what women suffer. It's's really bad.

When I gave birth to my daughter (2 weeks late) I was only 7lbs heavier than before I conceived. I was so sick, day and night. It's draining and painful.

She is pregnant with the future King/Queen of England. Me, a commoner, had to attend the hospital every other day for monitoring. She's not getting special treatment really. The NHS made sure my baby was well looked after.

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