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Have you ever...

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Jemisa | 00:30 Wed 05th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Sib prompted me to ask this question...

Have you ever spread the blanket on the ground, Where & when.???



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Fiat 124S Hatfield Forest c1975......
Ford Capris??? Now you are having a laugh.
When he, er me, er we spread the blanket on the ground it was a Norton 600 Dominator.............
Headwreck. Did she not go to Birmingham with a beautiful black guy?
Should have gone to specksavers gness
I'm not sure my warm and comely thighs have ever felt moonlight upon them....
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Theres time yet EC
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I try to avoid Volvo drivers....few positive experiences.
omg. so many times. not all the same. i'm trying to remember them all. that should read a few times not many. or many but only about three others involved.
Can you repeat that LadyJ? The post I mean, not the errrr......x
many moons ago but remember it well and wish I could relive those days.

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