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OMG! Now MaxClifford is being investigated in the Savile case

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netibiza | 14:25 Thu 06th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
just goes on and on. There's no hiding place now.


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obviously he has not yet been charged or found guilty.
Bear in mind that at the moment it's enquiries only and, even if he is charged, that does not equate to being guilty.
there will be more to come i think
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Maybe he isn't guilty of such abuse, more hiding it for his famous clients, is that an offence?
I thought that, Neti, in an interview after Savilgate he said that he had been contacted by some celebs who worried about the fall out.
He's not been charged yet - careful, folks....
Only "arrested on suspicion of" so far.
I think its all getting a bit out of hand.
perhaps it might be easier to list the celebs NOT being investigated.
I think its all getting a bit out of hand

What is getting out of hand snow - don't understand what you are getting at?
Anyone with those eyebrows has GOT to be guilty of SOMETHING.
Offences against good taste for a start:-)
withholding evidence maybe ? was he around when all this was going on ? he cant act cant sing.
Dee, he's been arrested on suspicion of two sexual assaults in 1977

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OMG! Now MaxClifford is being investigated in the Savile case

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