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Famous Horses

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galasalmon | 19:29 Fri 07th Dec 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Just realised this is to be in shortly , one to get help please

45/ Cool breeze ( 4, 4. )

Names of horses mainly race winners, historical, fictional or mythological.

Thank you.


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45. I have Blue Wind.
Can you help with my last 3 please.
19. Corn & 8 (4)
44. Best in show. (8)
47. Simply ... a stick. (4)
44 champion (the wonder horse)
Question Author
Thanks . 19 I have OATH , it was a horse, 47 Asti .
I started it so long ago but they are or were horses.
Thank you vakayu and galasalmon. I also just realised closing date is getting close and with Christmas post I wanted to send sooner rather than later. Thanks again.
47 Arod
Can anyone help with 25. Kelly and Pinsent please.
Matthew - 1847 Grand National.
Thank you Glasman I hadn't been able to find a horse named Matthew.

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Famous Horses

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