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TWR | 12:41 Sun 09th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Sunny, cloudy, not so cold, You?


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same here, quite a mild day i think
Clear blue skies over Lincolnshire, almost time for shorts again!
Brilliant sunshine (White Cliffs) cold, bit of a breeze, and a very clear view of France (well it can't all be good, can it?)
A lot milder today TWR - Cheshire.
Stockton is sunny and dry, twr. If it wasn't so windy it would be quite pleasant, but it's taken the edge off the temperature.
Cloudy down in South London, but not cold like it has been recently.
Dull but quite mild here, West Mids. Rained earlier.
Dull overcast , bit windy, but thank god, no rain x
chcked the week ahead and it's going to freeze again from tomorrow :( the people that make de-icer must be rolling in it
very overcast, but not so cold, and dry.

We're just making sure the cars have antifreeze etc topped up, before work tomorrow.

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