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A friend will help you move house, a good friend will help you move a body
A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations
Well as I'm the constant in a friendship I'll call the shots about wanting one or not.

Too many emotional vampires out there.....
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Someones been hurt?
I say if you have 1 or 2 true friends you are blessed. True there are many snakes in the grass!!
Mr Alba is my true friend, he's put up with me in all shapes and colours. As i have done with him.
My other half is my best (and only) friend.... I am a sad 'billy no mates' :(
A friend in need is a friend indeed
or a friend in need is a pain in he arse.....
You're my friend daffy... says so on my facebook... ;o)
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When do you stop talking to the imaginary friends you had as a kid?

(not God, them others)
I have two best friends... One is like a brother to me, I can't see us ever parting ways but I can't trust him... He's too much of a gossip! Lol!

My other best friend is the one I can trust. I just don't get to see her that often :|

I would rather have a few really good friends than loads of false ones...

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My Friend!

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