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No Mail Is Good News

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douglas9401 | 01:30 Tue 25th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Since it's a quiet day with not much going on, are there any papers today?


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To the best of my knowledge, there are no print editions of any newspapers today (since there aren't enough shops open to sell them). However I did see an advert for The Times which referred to an online Christmas Day edition. Perhaps other titles might be doing the same?
I don`t think so but there are slimmed down versions the the papers on Boxing Day (I think)
PS: With reference to the title of your post, in my opinion no Mail is ALWAYS good news!
"of" the papers (yet another typo)
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Thanks both and apologies for the delay in replying, slight Dell issues last night, now resolved.
Merry Christmas. :)

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No Mail Is Good News

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