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My Watch

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gollob | 16:22 Wed 02nd Jan 2013 | Jokes
6 Answers
I went into Argos to buy a watch. It was in the sale having being reduced from £39.99 to £19.99. I asked the girl assistant was it a digital. She said I dont know what digital is . I said is it a wind up. She said I do not know, so I will go and find out Ten minutes later she came back and said it is definately not a wind up. it really is £19.99


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that is 'precious', gollob
18:47 Wed 02nd Jan 2013
Tee-hee Was she blonde?
I once bought two reduced items - one was something like 10% off, and the other 15%. The cashier said 'that's 25% off then' (I'm not joking)
that is 'precious', gollob
pity it wasn't 50% off Hopkirk, you'd of got them for nothing
Good one' Lol!

Best sale bargain I had, 2 x light fittings reduced to £70 each and they only put one through the till, couldn't get out quick enough!
I once had to ring a supplier whose drives had done something unbelievably stupid. I said "Have you got Frank Spencer working for you this morning" to which the receptionist said "Hang on a minute, I'll just check"

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