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TWR | 17:36 Wed 02nd Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
What in 2012 that will leave you with Good / Happy / Bad memories?


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falling over (gin)
falling over (whisky)
falling over (vertigo)
all of those and then some.
Good and Happy......July......The Olympics and Paralympics.
Happy......Birmingham German Market.
Bad. Loss of son-in-law.
illness, again. Olympics, Paralypics good..
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Good - meeting new people and joining AB, Cardiff 2012
Happy - getting back with my Sailor ;)
Bad - breaking my toe/glasses/kitchen bin/lamp (in 1 week), being ill on several occasions August episode being the worst
Sorry to hear that 10Clarion, I do hope 2013 brings happier times.
sorry to hear that, Clarion - any chance of an upturn in your fortunes?

I suppose seeing Usain Bolt bolting was the most striking thing of my year. Plus a walk round Jerusalem. Bad things: endless money spent on teeth.
10 sorry to hear that. I do hope life improves....Love Gx
10ClarionSt - i hope that you are ok. Huge hugs and hope 2013 is a better year for you Queenie xx
Shyte year health wise suicidal at times,the kind folk on AB have been a great help.
Owd I know you've had a rotten year with your health, but you have my admiration at your sense of humour and not allowing your illness to take over. All the best to you, and MrsOwd to keep you in line.
Well said, ayg, and waves to owd
It is all down to the support shown by folks like you and sibs gran.
Owd... I have nothing but admiration and respect for you. And I do know, from experience how Mrs Owd feels watching you suffer. Love Gx

You're still a saucy, bloody devil though! x
Gness the very word makes me shiver.

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