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TWR | 20:11 Sun 06th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Apart from the riddles, have you all had a good & pleasant day?


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It walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three legs in the evening. What is it?
No, crap!
Yep not bad thanks TWR, about you ?.
Question Author
Yes Tony, went to " Dare I say it!!! B.Pool, a cracking & pleasent day, lot of folk about, You?
M-T - maybe a human
Yep, been watching football and darts and just about to have dinner.
No, it sucked, I was at work. Yours?
Question Author
Not you Izzed up walking the dog is it M.T.
Dunno, sir p ...I'm rubbish at riddles.
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BOO, you grabbing bugger x
Mine sucked too. Last free day before back to work and it's hardly got light all day.

It's part of my shifts, and there's no such thing as time and half etc at the Co op, just normal bog standard piddling time.
Question Author
Is that at Raw??
Rawtenstall? Nar, no Co op there :-)
Not really, no. Come to think of it, I haven't had a good & pleasant fortnight.
You ok Tilly?
Had a good one thanks TWR, had a laugh or two along the way, as you do,
How was your day?
Curtain conundrum cracked!

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