I've finally managed to remove an old, damaged, pond (plastic, I think) from the garden. We want to replace it with another one, as we have a number of frogs who will be expecting to find some water there in a few weeks' time.
It's going to have to be another pre-formed one, as I'm not physically capable of heaving large amounts of polythene-type lining around. For the moment I've left the hole very much as it was; I can cope with a bit of digging, but nothing too heavy, and ideally would just want to level out the soil that's there and drop the new one in. Is this feasible? I've been reading a 'pond expert' book, which seems to recommend a layer of sand and goodness knows what else - can't do that.
you dont give the dimensions of the pond ,depending how big it is a preformed base might be expensive. Mean time check that there are no sharp roots or stones on the base , we have put down a sand base under our pond as it helps to stop splitting.
Right - I just have to work out how to get a bag of sand through from the car boot to halfway up the garden. The wheelbarrow won't go round the side of the house. Most things are solvable.... (New Year's resolution - be positive!)
You might find it easier to use a liner sheet. You won't have to worry so much about getting the shape of the hole exact and its no heavier to heave around than a rigid shell, also easier.