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gness | 11:52 Mon 07th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
MrsO is on the mend and could be home tomorrow. Been through the mill a bit but will be back to amuse us as soon as she can...good news!!!!


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I have missed Mrs O, hope she is back among us soon xxx
well done Mrs O dont leave your marigolds behind, thanks to gness for keeping us all in the loop.
that is indeed welcome news
thank you gness
Can't wait to have her back, she must rest up and do nothing but play with her keypad and terrorise us all. Much love to her and a speedy recovery and thanks Gness for keeping us in the picture. I'm sure Sqad will be at her beck and call. xxx
That's good news - please give her my love Gness and tell her I will email her when she's home, thanks for letting us know x
Glad she's on the mend :)
That is indeed good news.
Great news, she has been sorely missed.
Terrific news. Thanks g'ness and all the best to Mrs 'O'.
OH NO!!!!!
(Stuffs newspapers down trousers.....)
Parkdale, I wish I'd thought of that, she's going to be g'ness from now on x
A box, shoota
Will hide behind you shoota!
Thanks gness....

(sisters in crime those two, so watch out boys!)
glad to hear that gness. thank you very much for passing on such good news.

please pass on to mrs o all best wishes and reminders that she needs to take things a bit easy to get fully better Then she can entertain/torment us.

that is good news i expect she is looking forward to getting home.
glad to hear she is due home.
Dreading her return to AB :-D
(joking, am looking forward to it)
Did she have a dishy doctor?
Good news indeed ♥
Wishing you well very soon MrsO xx

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