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Your Side Of The Bed

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joggerjayne | 21:32 Tue 08th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
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Yes... MY side.

I tend to prefer to sleep on the side nearest the window.
according to my oh i have most of the bed and leave him a couple of inches lol
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mallyh ... that's like me ... I can wake up almost anywhere on the bed.
The top side is mine. Mr P can have the underneath of the bed if he quibbles about space.

I still wake up with thing 1 and 2 in the bed, have been known to wake up with my head on the bedside table because I have so little space.
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Both sides, the top the bottom the middle under the bed... all MINE.
I love to get in my kingsize & play 'bed angels' with the electric blanket. aahhh!!

Whichever side has the most space when I go to bed, usually wake up on opposite side anyway, must be restless!!!
Just saw your answer on the soft drinks to a 17 yr old question. I'm afraid your answer to that person was wrong you CANT sell soft drinks to anyone anytime. Licenced premises have restrictions imposed on them that prohibit this. Its not the sale of the soft drink its the child or youg person being on the premises after 9pm. Its Illegal under the licencing act 2005. Its not a local restriction its country wide. A corner shop or supermarket is one thing a Pub is a whole different matter. A supermarket cant sell over 18's alcohol after 10pm its the same idea its the law.
ninjatracey - supermarkets CAN sell alcohol after 10pm. Strange that this is on the Your Side Of the Bed post!

I do have MY side of the bed, even when on holiday. It's unspoken, we just know. Although at home, as soon as OH goes out the door in the morning, I roll over to his side. It's comforting :)

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