aww bless you! you sound like i felt when i was pregnant! for a start i would go the doctor about the dizzyness, just to be on the safe side, i mean i felt tired and anxious all through mine and i had really bad morning sickness too but anything like dizzyness i would advice doctor!
what i did was buy myself a little diary and id write down things i needed and wanted to do, just little things and id spread them out over the week, so i had something to do every day, for example... mon - go to park feed ducks! seems silly but very relaxing!! tueday - go to library pick out a few books. wed - go to coffee house with a mag and chill out for an hour or 2
do something you wouldnt normally do!! you may find it very enjoyable!
take a slow walk down by the river ( if u live near any)
or a nature path, there are always seats around for a rest, take a picnic!! make sure you take about 1hr out of each day out the house! plus the fresh air will do u good!! also enjoy time to your self and your own company coz when the baby comes you will have very little time for you
good luck :o)