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Small Upgrade On The Way

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AB Editor | 14:10 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | Editor's Blog
207 Answers
We're just adding some links to the AB social profiles (for those interested) and adding a "related question" feature.

The latter is a bit "dumb" at the moment, and runs a direct title search to produce results. We will tweak this in the future to produce more nuanced results.

Let me know if anything is on fire over the next couple of hours.

All the best,



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Ed, it's just happened again. It seems to be before about 10am - as it was when it happened after previous changes to the site. Don't know if the time is relevant.
No problem here - we're on IE9
Sorry, Ab Editor - the related questions idea is, as you say, "a bit "dumb" at the moment" and doesn't seem to be improving.

At best, it's a mild annoyance; at worst, it's an irrelevant waste of space.

Could we be given an opt out, please?

Perhaps we could have a referendum on the question?
Question Author
Not quite what I said. The idea is great, the process for producing results is "dumb". We'll review after a week or so.
it's bizarre
The 'frozen screen' problem seems to have stopped now. Carry on chaps.
Ed, May I be so bold as to ask, "Whose idea was it"?


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Small Upgrade On The Way

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