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What Planet Is This Man On?

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abstibus | 14:37 Mon 14th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Tom Lyon, energy expert at, said: 'It costs just over £3 a day on average to heat a home, but during a severe cold snap this could easily rise by £1 a day.

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I don't see the problem, the figures he quoted are pretty accurate for my house.
Much less than that for my house.
Unless you live in Buckingham Palace or a 10 Bedroom Mansion it, seems about right to me too.
I just worked it out. It costs us £5 a day for gas and electricity.
Mine's under £3 per day.
I usually advise people moving into my flats to budget at least £5 per day and houses £10, that way there isn't any nasty surprises, £3 per day sounds unrealistically low to me.
I'm not sure with mine but it wouldn't be much. Luckily I'm not much of a cold person and am a fresh air freak so rarely have the heating on unless it's really really cold, similarly with windows - always open unless it's absolutely freezing.

I don't have any double glazing or anything like that but I just have throws I can curl up in on the sofa, put an extra layer on etc... to avoid racking up costs.

I live in a 2 up 2 down mid terraced house, we have radiators (1 in each) in every room except for the hallway, we also cook on a gas cooker. We put between £20.00 and £30.00 in the gas pre payment meter every week in the winter, maybe only £10.00 per week in the summer.
Meant to say above, our heating is on daily from 6.45 am to after midnight.
What a difference in rates! My electricity bill for December was $40.56, which breaks down to $1.31 per day. In your money that's GBP25.61 and 83p respectively.
i actually find it really tricky to work mine out - we pay in a lump for oil, and it really varies how many months it lasts

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What Planet Is This Man On?

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